February 2018 Post

Just a brief update for the month of February 2018.
We emailed our current list of 715 subscribers in mid-January. (If you are reading this post and did not receive the email, we invite you to sign-up under “Add Your Name to Our List” at the top right of our Home page. That way you will be included in future emails and newsletters.) We gained 4 new subscribers and lost 6 since then. Our email software also automatically removes un-deliverable emails for old addresses. Again if you have gotten our emails in the past and have changed email addresses, please update using the Add Your Name section of the home page.

Your web servant indicated that he would be attending Praasa on March 1-3 in Sparks Nevada, but life has intervened and he will no longer be able to attend. However, Ernest D. from San Diego will be there and will attend the Senior Topics Workshop on Friday night or Saturday afternoon and will provide us with an update after he gets back. So please check back for the March post for that information.

Your web servant is embarking upon an extended “drive about” (patterned after the aboriginal walkabout, but utilizing a motor home). We (web servant and wife Terrie) will head East next week on a southerly route from San Diego to stay warm and also to visit some of our Senior groups and senior friendly meetings and maybe even stimulate the growth of a few more God willing. We’ll keep you posted on our travels via Instagram and Facebook (with care to protect everyone’s anonymity)

In Love and Service,
Colin M. – web servant