January 2018 Post

Happy New Year to one and all. Your self-appointed webmaster/editor will be publishing site updates on a more regular basis going forward this year. We still seek volunteers to form an editorial committee (of sorts) so that the words you read here are more representative of more of our SIS or CEC members. We all know the trouble that alcoholics get into when left to their own wiles at the mercy of an obsessive, compulsive brain. So please connect and help out. We don’t need a village at this point, just a couple of helpers.

On another note – there are some minor expenses to pay for the hosting of the website and domain registration that were paid by one of our senior friends out of pocket for charges that came due at the end of December. I suggest that some of us consider our 7th Tradition obligations and find a creative way to financially support the website and any other SIS obligations (besides those connected to a conference itself) that arise going forward. Ideas?

I have continued to communicate with the 2017 Coonference Committee about the site and other potential hosts for the next conference. As of this month I am not aware of any conference sponsors or host areas. So if your Area or any other groups want to bid, please let me know.

Please feel free to comment. We want to hear from other Seniors and friends of SIS.